Saturday, January 7, 2017

Resolutions 2016 Update: Spiritual

One of my resolutions for 2016 was to be continually thankful. Here is a smattering of the things, in no particular order, that I was (and continue to be) thankful for: the big things, the small things, and everything in between.

* flannel sheets * financial security * girlfriends * board games * Goldfish crackers * pain-free days for as long as they last * hiking boots * hiking buddies * hikes * anti-itch cream * hot tea * naps * naps with pets * Girl Scouts * reasonable airfare * Maricopa * AA * owls * yoga * veterinarians * intelligence * Jo * pedicures * husbands who humor me * National Parks * wrinkle cream * ability to swim * texting * lip balm * wi-fi * Graham Norton * KitKats * good health * safe travel * coloring books * strong teeth * Mom * boy cousins * sunshine * Giancarlo Esposito * my job * my brain * fresh blueberries * home ownership * baked goods * women who bake * rails to trails * good insoles * good health * good books * pandas of all kinds * fun days with the spouse * nature * fresh air * outdoor jazz * wine * Boris and his family * scallops * Prince * peaches at the peak of ripeness * padded bicycle seats * Smoochie and her parents * the local foodbank * music that moves me to tears * Facetime with hyperactive 7 year olds * HopeTree * nieces * nephews * Aleppo survivors * mornings on the deck with coffee * Olympics * husbands who make me laugh * attending international conferences * proper English tea * wild heather * silence * iron supplements * stool softeners * Dolly Parton's humanitarian efforts * American soldiers * the smell of Fall * the 'mute' button on the remote in an election year * puppies * the recovery of Jacob Wetterling's remains * chocolate chips * annual candy-making * emergency rooms * modern medicine * homemade Chex mix * good sense * a sense of humor * Harvey * oncologists * uplifting stories on the nightly news * Cole & Kevin * Netflix * peace * Christmas in PA * Betty White's immortality

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