One of
my New Year's Resolutions for 2016 was to touch my toes. Not as simple as it sounds! I am cursed with tight hamstrings, and am not sure I have ever in my life touched my toes with ease. A physical therapist once diagnosed me with a "tight kinetic chain" for whatever it's worth. What all this is getting at, is at face value, it sounds like it would potentially be the easiest of my 4 Resolutions, but it was not. It was, in fact, the least successful. Here is a pictorial of my progress.
January in West Virginia (accused of nudity, but I'm in shorts). |
March in Pennsylvania (in slipper socks, to prove that I am not naked). |
May, atop Camelback Mountain overlooking Phoenix, Arizona. |
Encouragement arrived from Cole in July. The perfect card! The message inside was "Here's to achieving all of your New Year's Resolutions! Love & Support, Cole XOX." I love him. |
August in Newbrough, England, on a public footpath wall crossing. |
October on the black beach of Vik i Myrdal, Iceland. I could touch them
here with a little bouncey-bounce - does bouncing count?? |
Although I reached my toes for the first time in who knows how long, I am declaring this resolution a FAIL because I was supposed to touch them
comfortably. It's not comfortable at all, and gentle bouncing is required. I think I will keep this resolution on my list for 2017.